A continuation of Daniela "Dani" Najera, our LEAP Student Reporter's leadership influences and background...
My Story:
I am a
During my early teen years, I began to rebel. I did things I should not have done; disobeying my mom so many times. I know karma happens and believe me karma hit me hard or at least I thought it did. My mom was taken away from me, my family, and community on November 2007 one cold fall night when ICE surprisingly knocked at my house and walked in. That day forever scared my life and the lives of my household. For a while I was depressed and blamed myself for being a bad daughter and not appreciating my mom for all her worth. With the help of my Aunt Elvia and friends, I realized it wasn’t my fault and that God allowed this to happen for a reason. So I decided to learn from the adversity and take it as a sign to change my rebel ways and strive even more to graduate, go to college, and make it in this world not only for my sake but for my mother’s sake as well.
I could not be where I am today if it was not for all the love and support I have received. I have chosen to get educated and make something of myself to show that all the love and support I have received did not go to waste. Love and support work as my soul’s battery to keep me going no matter what my struggle is. Hardships are never easy to face. Pain does not decrease as the frequency of hardships increases. I have taken many falls; but with the falls, I regained strength to pick myself up and continue my journey to what will one day be my destiny. Adversity has given me a better perceptive of my dreams, my reality, and how to make my dreams my reality. Nothing in life is eternal. Adversity will continue throughout my life; I have learned the hard way I will lose a lot of what I love. I must and will stay positive. God has a purpose for me and allows things to happen for a reason. Adversity and pain exist to push me to grow and prepare me to learn, live, and lead. Despite life’s ups and downs, only I shall decide what I want my life to be; thus I shall strive to make my want my only reality!
Role Models:
My role models are the two women who raised me, my mom Maria Ignacia Martinez and her sister Maria Elvia Martinez. They both have sacrificed so much for our family. In the
Her Goals:
Become a lawyer of civil law and defend the human rights of all. My ultimate goal is to become a leader of this world and make an emphasis for human rights that will strike profoundly and thus bring change so desperately need not just to this country but to the world. It is a very ambitious goal but I’m still young and if God allows me time, I will get educated enough to pursue my goal and make it a reality!
It really is not easy to be a single mother. I heard that grants for single mothers and obama's program are running out of funds.
inspirational story! Im thinking about law school in WA.
Undocumented student from Sacramento Cali
If you do decide to attend Law school in Washington state, we would love to meet you.
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