Welcome to the Latino/a Educational Achievement Project's blog! Our blog is a way for us to connect with students and quickly inform you of educational opportunities particular to Latino students in Washington state. This blog will feature guest LEAPster who will write about their leadership experiences with LEAP. They will answer questions and provide advice.

This space is also open to showcasing your poems, videos, essays, photos, or other creative mediums. Let us know about your leadership involvement or tell us about the great work someone is doing in your school/community. For more information on LEAP, visit our website at www.leapwa.org

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

DREAMACTIVIST » Washington State Youth Come Out on Video

For students and others interested in Washington state's efforts to pass the DREAM Act, check out the newly formed Washington DREAM Act Coalition (www.wdac.info). They recently were recognized by DREAM Activist, a national organization, for the video they created asking for Senator Cantwell and Murray to push harder for the DREAM Act (both are co-signers of the DREAM Act).

DREAMACTIVIST » Washington State Youth Come Out on Video

1 comment:

Gabriela said...

I like the video. The WDAC website looks good, but the address is not www.wdac.org it is www.wdac.info. Make sure that gets corrected.
Good job!