Welcome to the Latino/a Educational Achievement Project's blog! Our blog is a way for us to connect with students and quickly inform you of educational opportunities particular to Latino students in Washington state. This blog will feature guest LEAPster who will write about their leadership experiences with LEAP. They will answer questions and provide advice.

This space is also open to showcasing your poems, videos, essays, photos, or other creative mediums. Let us know about your leadership involvement or tell us about the great work someone is doing in your school/community. For more information on LEAP, visit our website at www.leapwa.org

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Follow Up to Daniela, our new LEAP Student Reporter

A continuation of Daniela "Dani" Najera, our LEAP Student Reporter's leadership influences and background...

My Story:

I am a Latina born and raised in a small agricultural town in the North Central Washington called Brewster. I was born to an undocumented immigrant who raised me and my two sisters as a single mother. I may not have had a father or much money growing up but love and inspiration was always by my side. I was always a leader within my friends and liked being in charge of things. Later on in life, I began seeing the reality of life. I was growing up and saw how people were treated differently based on class, race, gender, and legal status. I was eight when I told my mom I was going to become a lawyer and help her fix her papers.

During my early teen years, I began to rebel. I did things I should not have done; disobeying my mom so many times. I know karma happens and believe me karma hit me hard or at least I thought it did. My mom was taken away from me, my family, and community on November 2007 one cold fall night when ICE surprisingly knocked at my house and walked in. That day forever scared my life and the lives of my household. For a while I was depressed and blamed myself for being a bad daughter and not appreciating my mom for all her worth. With the help of my Aunt Elvia and friends, I realized it wasn’t my fault and that God allowed this to happen for a reason. So I decided to learn from the adversity and take it as a sign to change my rebel ways and strive even more to graduate, go to college, and make it in this world not only for my sake but for my mother’s sake as well.

I could not be where I am today if it was not for all the love and support I have received. I have chosen to get educated and make something of myself to show that all the love and support I have received did not go to waste. Love and support work as my soul’s battery to keep me going no matter what my struggle is. Hardships are never easy to face. Pain does not decrease as the frequency of hardships increases. I have taken many falls; but with the falls, I regained strength to pick myself up and continue my journey to what will one day be my destiny. Adversity has given me a better perceptive of my dreams, my reality, and how to make my dreams my reality. Nothing in life is eternal. Adversity will continue throughout my life; I have learned the hard way I will lose a lot of what I love. I must and will stay positive. God has a purpose for me and allows things to happen for a reason. Adversity and pain exist to push me to grow and prepare me to learn, live, and lead. Despite life’s ups and downs, only I shall decide what I want my life to be; thus I shall strive to make my want my only reality!

Role Models:

My role models are the two women who raised me, my mom Maria Ignacia Martinez and her sister Maria Elvia Martinez. They both have sacrificed so much for our family. In the U.S., my mom worked in the sheds and orchards. She is always willing to help, expecting nothing in return. Being the oldest, my mom was like another mother to her siblings. She did not have the chance to get far in her education but she was a leader in our community and church. My aunt graduated from high school in Mexico. When she came to the U.S. she worked the same jobs my mom worked. Later on, she went to college and became a certified Registered Nurse. Today she is the school nurse for the Brewster School District. As I get older, I am finding out more about the life stories of these two women. They both have gone through their own adversities and remain standing strong as they hold on proudly to their native roots.

Her Goals:

Become a lawyer of civil law and defend the human rights of all. My ultimate goal is to become a leader of this world and make an emphasis for human rights that will strike profoundly and thus bring change so desperately need not just to this country but to the world. It is a very ambitious goal but I’m still young and if God allows me time, I will get educated enough to pursue my goal and make it a reality!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mt Vernon LEAP Club hosted Retirement Dinner for Rep. Dave Quall

On May 18th, Representative Dave Quall, an amazing state representative and a big supporter of LEAP, was surprised by students of the Mount Vernon High School Latino Leaders Club (aka LEAP Club). After 18 years serving as the representative for the 40th District, Quall has chosen to retire. This dinner was to celebrate and appreciate his service in the state legislature.

Students organized and prepared a delicious meal of mole, enchiladas with rice and beans for Rep. Quall, a true champion for students in the state legislature. Students also invited MVHS Superintendent Carl Brunner, Skagit Valley College President Dr. Gary Tollefson, Representative Jeff Morris and others who all describe memorable Quall moments.

LEAP Club members wrote a dedication in the program that read:
Some of us have seen Representative Quall in Olympia for the past few years when we go there for legislative day during the state LEAP conference. He always takes time to talk to students from MVHS, and we especially like taking pictures with him.

We have learned that he cares a lot about futures and we appreciate very much that he wants to see all of us have the ability to go to college and be able to have good jobs.

We feel that we are fortunate to have a represenative like Dave Quall and we wish that he wouldn't retire. He inspires us to want to keep a positive attitude and never give up even when things are difficult for some of us.

Thank you Representative Quall for being who we have learned you are - an individual with courage and a passion for helping others. We hope you will continue to come and talk to students involved in the LEAP Club at MVHS. You will always be welcome.
At the end of the ceremony, LEAP Club President José Sánchez and Vice President Fanny Silverio presented Rep. Quall with an award. Rep Quall told students of all the retirement dinner he's attended, this was the best one.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Meet LEAP’s New Student Reporter – Daniela Alejandra Najera!

Daniela is LEAP’s new Student Reporter and a current University of Washington freshman from Brewster, Washington. She is majoring in Political Science and American Ethnic Studies; and minoring in Education and Diversity. Daniela will be finding time in her busy schedule to interview Latino youth and bringing to you many of the exciting and interesting things Latino students are doing in Washington state.

Daniela has extensive leadership skills and served as one of the LEAP Conference planning committee member. She has also:

- served as her class president for 3 years,
- was a Junior Counselor at La Cima Bilingual Leadership Camp,
- a GEAR UP Camp Junior Counselor, and
- is currently involved with the UW Latino Student Union.

But its not all business with Daniela, she loves to sing, dance, and is one mean baker. She enjoys jogging but especially loves soccer, whether it’s playing, watching, recording stats, or being the manager or stats keeper of the team.

Daniela likes to express herself through her writing and says:

As I think, I have this vision of my idea and want to express it to reflect the vision in my head; so others can see and feel what I see and feel. I like expressing myself through writing because it is a way of keeping a tangible record of important things and I enjoy looking back at what I have written (diaries, journals, papers/essays, poems, etc). A record of the past influences the future and keeps memories alive. As LEAP reporter, I will keep a record of LEAP activity to inform others of what is going on with LEAP and to have documentation of the actions LEAP is taking. I want to assure that when I no longer exist, ideas, belief, and memories important to me still remain; I can guarantee this will be through writing. The life of one’s body is not eternal but a piece of writing is and can carry so much life within it.

We are very proud to have Daniela as part of the LEAP Team and we will bring you more on this amazing leader at a later time.